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Marketing guru Sonya Carmichael Jones shares her insights about the present and future of B2B content strategy, and how to keep up with the evolving landscape.

Succeeding in the fast-changing world of digital marketing can feel like a moving target — but dynamic, challenging spaces like this are where the Filterati thrive. Just ask marketing guru and longtime Filter member Sonya Carmichael Jones, a passionate expert on all things content and a consultant to leading brands. Sonya is an “always learner,” constantly exploring new approaches and building on her already broad skillset.

In this interview, Sonya shares her insights about the present and future of B2B content strategy, including the opportunities and challenges digital marketers should have on their radars.

Q: What are the most important trends to watch in digital marketing?

One key trend is using data to derive insights and using that intel to develop stronger strategic plans. By capturing, monitoring, and analyzing data, goals can be mapped to specific action steps.

On the other hand, the opportunity is to ensure that digital marketing focuses on customer-first priorities. Trends have the tendency to result in snap judgments without factoring in considerations from the customer’s perspective.

Q: In a field that’s changing so rapidly, how do you help your clients keep their marketing strategies up to date?

I do this by using tools that help clients better understand their customers’ behaviors, and by identifying what things customers will potentially want or need later. With these insights, my hope is that clients can begin innovating and solving for problems early on.

Q: What are the most important skills to for when hiring a digital marketing professional?

If the hire is up to me, in addition to someone having a strong balance between creative and data analysis, I’d hire a work partner who thought and acted like a builder. For example, I’d want the individual to be capable of inspiring collaboration, making pathways, doing some heavy lifting, and when necessary, cleaning up any mess.

Q: How has your experience as a freelancer shaped your career?

Freelancing has helped me build and grow relationships, learn different platforms and tools, and prioritize how I spend my time. For digital marketers, freelancing can be an ideal way to continue developing valuable skills.

Q: How did you become interested in B2B content strategy?

My marketing career started with direct response, so content strategy has always been a fascinating and necessary activity for connecting me with potential clients. However, when I help other clients realize the potential of content strategy through the integration of search engine optimization (SEO), the case for content strategy is even more compelling, and of course, more captivating for me.

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